T01 Zigbee Device Type

Zigbee is one of the main wireless protocol family. Zigbee defines a network layer above the 802.15.4 to support advanced mesh routing capabilities.

Since Zigbee protocol defines 3 devices type, so you might expect to configue them when using XBee modules to form a wireless network.


  • Zigbee networks always have a only one single coordinator device.

  • The coordinator can start the network, and allow routers and end devices to join it.


  • A router is a full-featured Zigbee network node.

  • It can join the existing networks and send, receive, and route information.

  • It can also allow other routers and end devices to join the network.

End Device

  • An end device is essentially a reduced version of a router, include hardware and functions.

  • Can join existing networks and send and receive information

  • Cannot act as messenger between any other devices.

  • Cannot allow other devices to join the network.

  • Uses less expensive hardware

  • Always needs a router or the coordinator to be its parent device.

Zigbee Network Example

  1. Coordinator + Router(s) + End Device(s)

  2. Coordinator + Router(s)

  3. Coordinator + End Device(s)
