T04 Digi XBee Comparison Table

Before check this XBee comparison table, the basic knowledges on XBee T1, XBee T2, and XBee T3 should be studied.

There are 3 Digi xbee models listed here, Zigbee 3, 802.15.4, and DigiMesh 2.4. Consumers can select the right one base on application situation. Such as, if there are other wireless devices in the network using Zigbee protocol, then Digi XBee 3 Zigbee 3 RF Module should be used. If there is no other wireless devices and the case needs a mesh type network, then Digi XBee 3 DigiMesh 2.4 RF Module may be a good choose. If the case just needs a simple peer to peer / star type network, the Digi XBee 3 802.15.4 RF Module will be the best pick up.


Some notes about the spec listed on the table:

  • Sleep Current: The lower the better, since there is less current leakage and this makes the battery can last longer. 1.7 uA is a very very low leakage current.

  • Receive Sensitivity: The transmit power will decay with distance. The minimum power level at which the receiving node is able to clearly receive the bits being transmitted. dBm (decibel-milliwatt) is an electrical power unit in decibels (dB), "m" means 1 milliwatt (mW). Since -100 dBm = 1.0 x 10^(-10) mW, and -200 dBm = 1.0 x 10^(-20) mW, so, the listed spec -103 dBm is between them.

  • Transmit Current/Power: The transmit power will increase if the distance of node is longer, and the transmit current will higher.
